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Holistic Therapies

 Sound Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls- Using Vibrational Medicine to fine tune our system and restore balance. Trials show it can help with insomnia, chrinic pain and hearing difficulties.


Angelic Reiki - The Japanese word reiki can be translated as 'universal or spirituslly guided life force'. Reiki is a way of working with life-force energy to encourage healing of the mind, body and soul.

Thee word healing is used in the sense of regaining harmony and wholeness and Angelic Reiki addresses the whole person, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

With the assistance of the conciousness we call the Angels, the practitioner radiates the most appropriate healing energy through the palms of the hands directly into th clients body using a series of hand positions.  When we say body system, we mean the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.


What Happens During a Session?

A session is usually carried out in a peaceful environment with the client lying down or sitting. The client remains fully clothed and the practitioner places their hands in a series of positions on or over the body in alignment with the chakras. The clients system automatically draws in as much Angelic Reiki as is needed, using it in whatever way is most appropriate at the time. Some clients experience visions of colour behind their eye lids and rocking or wave like sensations when they are treated. This is the body/mind's way of registering the healing energy being received.

Angelic Reiki is very relaxing, eases stress and has a calming effect on the person. Treatment is enhanced if the client the client rests afterwards and drinks plenty of water to help the bodies natural detoxification process. The beneficial effects of an Angelic Reiki treatment may be felt for several days afterwards.


How Often do I Need to Have a Treatment?

Although even one Reiki session can make a difference, it is usually more effective to have a course of regular treatments. This may be weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on the needs of the individual. A treatment plan will be disscussed with you, and reviewed as necessary. This wills always be subject to your own preferences, and can be changed at any time according to progress.

Indian Head Massage:

The Indian Head Massage is a popular treatment that has many benefits;

- General and specific relaxation of muscles providing immediate relief and dispersal of toxins form tense knotted muscles.

- Relief from mental and emotional stress and depression.

- Release of stagnant energy, re-balancing.

- Relief from chronic neck and shoulder stiffness.

-Loosening of scalp.

- Total relaxation of the client as a whole, calm, peace and tranquillity.

-Increased oxygen uptake by the tissues.

-Improved circulation of blood in previously congested muscles providing extra oxygen to the brain.

- Stimulation and improvement of the circulation of the Lymphatic System.

- Helping the relief of eye tension and headaches.

- Excellent for disturbed sleep and insomnia.

-Help with mental tiredness and edginess, release anxiety.

- Improvement of concentration.



Metamorphic Technique:

The Metamorphic practitioner uses a light touch on points known as the spinal reflexes in the feet, hands and head. At the same time, he or she remains detached from the achievement of specific results. This allows your energy to be guided by your own innate intelligence (the 'wise guide within'), transforming your patterns in whatever ways are right for you.

The Metamorphic Technique is not a therapy or a treatment, as it is not concerned with addressing specific symptoms or problems. There is no need for practitioners to know about your personal or medical history. The Technique is gentle, non-invasive and completely safe. It can be used on its own or alongside conventional medicine or alternative and complementary therapies.

The Metamorphic Technique is a unique tool for personal transformation, it is a technique that helps trigger your own inner life force, enabling you to better realise your potential.


Munay-Ki comes from the Quechua word that means 'i love you' and is also taken to mean 'Be as Thou Art'. In  this current context it refers to the nine rites of initiation to becoming a person of wisdom and power. handed down from generation to generation the exist within all Shamanic traditions, while deriving a form and style of expression unique to each culture. The Munay-Ki rites offered here are derived from the great initiations of the Hindus Valley brought by the Laika, a group of courageous medicine men and women, across the Bering Straights from Siberia to the Americas during the glacial period some 30,000 years ago. Ordinary men and women, who acquire uncommon grace and ability through prayer, study of the wisdom teachings and discipline, the Laika have kept the teachings safe until the moment came for their release to many more than their small group. They have faithfully accepted their guardianship for millennia, believing people would come to this initiation when they were reasy and called to do so.


Munay-Ki is the key to taking a quantum leap in species evolution. It is a group of energetic transmissions that download directly into the Luminous Energy Field, which constitutes each individual at an energetic level, the codes for transformational evolution. These codes are downloaded into the chakra system, a group of seven major energy centres lodged within the body and attatched to the spine. this spinal connection facilitates the information's transmission to the neuro-physiology and brain of each recipient, offering them the potential to complete within one lifetime a process of evolution that would otherwise take many, many generations.

NLP, Visualisation and relaxation/ meditation - Epowerment for making changes and management of stress, anxiety and depression. This is available as a one to one session or in a group.

Neuro-linguistic Programming is a powerful way of unlocking peoples potential and acheiving personal change. NLP can:

-Enable people to access their own positive resources and feelings.

-Empower people to take more control of their own thoughts, feelings and life curcumstances.

-Limit the damaging effects of negative experiences.

-Identify and change negative beliefs.

-Change negative patterns of behaviour.

Issues can be worked on "content free". Disclosure of painful information is unnecessary if the individual finds their problems difficult to talk about.

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